
Spread the Word!
The 2024–2025 Kindergarten
Enrollment and Screenings
will be held on
April 4th.
Call the Elementary Office for an appointment!

If your child will be 5 before August 1st,
now is the time to begin thinking about Kindergarten enrollment requirements.
The following items are required for enrollment
immunization records,  state issued birth certificate,
social security card and proof of residence. 
Did you know that your child can receive the immunizations that are needed to attend Kindergarten anytime on or after his/her fourth birthday?  You do not need to wait until age five.  We encourage you to have your child fully immunized now
and bring the immunization record to school on the day of Kindergarten screening.  
If you have questions regarding required immunizations,
please feel free to contact Nikki Piepmeier, School Nurse, at 660-476-2161, option #7.